For details/connections [ [init,[[[date,[Day,Month,Year]],[department,popology], [argumentname,empathise],[breasoning,"..."],[breasoningname,empathise1],[comment,"This comment/version number is not necessary because twouses returns all two uses, including sentences."]x,[ others: features/description, benefits (in the case of two uses, (note: the overall program wouldn't have details applied to it, but this should be done at predicate header level) identifying splitting, verification etc.), bugs, future plans [A,v1,B],[C,v1,B] - collects pos of same type date in above should be "date" in lip name of main predicate, argument types, functions - returns each unique pair of uses this is program finder's input specification number,or,string recursion sentence grammar hierarchical variable names with types (arguments and type structures) program to check types how will grammar labels be variable names (variables as variable names) what is the first item? repeat a list item "number", or e.g. 2 times two uses finds the sets of two uses - unique combinations of future - data structure [_,[inputasantecedant,outputasconsequent]] - how will different algs use the type reduction? collect certain grammar children, counts them musical intervals going together as a story ]]]] %% rule ...List Prolog] transcendental program has functions, is instantly computed from i,o funnel certain variables into functions/other variables - it would do it automatically - finds correct order of variables to be processed could run the program from within program finder or output the expanded code - should another program convert i,o into pf input, with simulated intelligence? what about lpi, pf dev used pf? [initpredicate,predicate], [id, 123] x predicate,[123,... x or [find,[data,two_uses/breasoningname]] x predicate,[breasoningname*,... note: does not need ""